Terms and conditions
In accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Application and Agreement, I hereby submit my Application to become an Associate or Member with SERDANG E VAPE, and here by state and agree as follow:
I am of legal age (18 years old) and authorized in all respects to enter into, and perform services under, this Agreement becomes effective on the date received, signed by the applicant, and accepted by the Company.
Upon acceptance of this Application, I understand that I will become an Associate of the Company and may be eligible to participate in the selling and distribution of the Company goods and services and receive bonuses in connection with such sales in accordance with the Company’s Policies and Procedures and Compensation Plan. As such I have the responsibility to protect the company interest and reputation, I shall not miss-represent the company in any way to tarnish or spread negative news about the company on any media. I shall not attend any competitor’s event to promote or represent their products over social media or meetings nor use the benefits provided to me by the Company to promote other products and services other than the Company’s. Otherwise considered a violation of terms.
I understand that as an Associate, I am not an agent, employee, or franchisee of the Company. I further understand and agree that I will not be treated as an employee with respect to such services for tax purpose or under any applicable taxes that may become due as a result if activities under this Agreement.
I understand and agree that my remuneration may consist of retail profits from the completed sales of Company goods, and commissions or bonuses relating to the sales, solicitations, or orders from ultimate consumers, primarily in the home or otherwise.
I understand any commission I earn is based on the sale of products to end consumers and for recruiting others to participate in the Compensation Plan.
I understand that I am not required to make any purchase in order to become an Associate, other than a business tool kit sold at cost. I understand I must be sponsored by an existing SERDANG E VAPE Associate and I am not required to maintain an inventory of any kind in order to become an Associate. I further understand I may terminate my membership at any time for any reason. To terminate my membership, I must provide written notice to SERDANG E VAPE. The Company has the right to reject any application without providing a valid reason.
I hereby agree to use only the current Company Website as provided to me to represent the Company’s product and Compensation Plan. I will emphasize retail sales, that no recruitment fee can be derived from the mere act of introducing other Associate, and that no earnings are guaranteed from participation in the Compensation Plan. I agree that I will not make unauthorized representations about the actual, potential, or expected earnings of any Partner of the Company at any time.
I understand that as an Associate, I am not guaranteed any income, nor am I assured of any profit or success. I understand the Compensation Plan and that I can only earn commissions upon the sales of the Company’s goods and services. I will be free to set my own hours, and determine the location and methods of selling, within the guidelines and requirements of this Agreement. I agree that I am responsible for all of my own business expenses in connection with my activities as an Associate.
I further certify that neither the Company nor my Sponsor has made any claims of guaranteed earnings or representations from my efforts as an Associate. I understand that my success as an Associate comes from sales, service, and the development of a sale that I will make no statements, disclosures, or representation in selling the Company’s goods and services or in the introducing of other Associates other than those contained in approved Company materials.
I hereby agree that I will not advertise using the Company’s name, trade names or logos in any manner nor will I use any written, printed, recorded or any other material in advertising, promoting or describing the products of the Company’s marketing program, which has not been copyrighted and provided or approved by the Company.
I hereby agree that any claims in verbal or written made by me is solely based on my own opinion, I shall take full responsibility.
I hereby agree that due to the unique nature of the Company pay cycle, I must forward each customer product order and/or Associate Application to the company within 24 hours (or the sale or enrollment).
I understand and agree that any failure to follow this policy may result in termination of my Associate status.
I hereby agree that any payments collected on behalf of the company from sales and services must be deposited to the Company’s account the following day otherwise is considered a violation of terms, I shall take personal liability to fully settle the entire amount no later than 3 business days from the day of violation
I hereby agree neither to re-package nor re-label the Company’s goods or services under any other name or label. I further agree to refrain from producing, selling, and using, for the purpose of advertising, promoting or describing the company’s goods and services, Compensation Plan, or other programs, any written, recorded, or other materials which have not been approved or provided by the Company.
I hereby consent and authorize the unlimited use of my name, likeness, photos, videos, voice, or other written comments or documentation provided to the Company or obtained by the Company from my use of Company product or services, provided to the Company product or services, provided such use is in connection with the advertisement, promotion, or training of Company product, marketing program, services, or promotional literature and supplies.
I hereby certify that my testimonial or endorsement of such Company products or other personal participation is made of my own free will and that I have not and will not be paid any monetary sum for doing so.
In the event that I introduce other Associates, I agree to provide a bona fide supervisory, distribute and selling function in connection with the sale of the Company’s goods and services to the ultimate consumer.
I also agree to train all Associates I may introduce in the performance of the functions. I agree to have a continuing and positive communication and supervision with my sales organization.
I agree that all training seminars to be held in any type of open or public meeting facility must meet all of the requirements of a Company-approved meeting as detailed herein and in other Company materials. I agree that any form of negative communications concerning the company products, services, or commission program with the other Associate is grounds for termination of my Associate status.
I understand and agree that if I register my account using a Company Name as an Associate, I must be a director and shareholder, all the director(s) in the company must appoint me as a nominee to act upon the company in any occasions not limited to accessing to the members portal and performing every transaction and service provided in the portal, attending any company events, receive any kind of company recognitions as well as appointing a next of kin.
I understand that each membership is registered with one unique identity, no one can claim ownership of the account except the registered member. It is the responsibility of the Associate or Member to appoint a next of kin, otherwise the account ownership will pass to the rightful owner determined by the law upon the death or incapacitation of the member.
As an associate, I am part of the community, I may come across many new friends from all walks of life, the company prohibits private dealings involving financial issues such as borrowing, joint investment or any dealing that may potentially expose to financial risk and resulting to a dispute. The company also prohibits extramarital relationships among associates. The company will not be involved nor take any responsibility in such dispute. However, it is considered a violation of terms when an Associate is involved in such a dispute.
I understand that the Company prohibits unhealthy competition such as price cutting, personal (non-Company) promotion, cross-line raiding or intentionally influence other associates to my benefits. An existing associate cannot re-join another account using the same name or the names of direct relatives to another family tree. Please refer to section Resignation and Termination for more details.
I agree I will not spam. Spamming includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
- sending unsolicited e-mail message generally
- posting messages that contain your services address in news groups that are unrelated to your products or services
- creating false “from sources” in a message, or newsgroup posting with your services address, thereby giving the impression that the message originated from SERDANG E VAPE or others, and
- sending unsolicited messages to lists of people with whom you have prior business or personal relationship.I
I understand and agree that the Company, in order to maintain a viable marketing system, may make modifications in the Policies and Procedures, Compensation Plan, Company literature, website and product prices. I further agree to be bound by such modifications immediately upon publication in official Company literature.
I also agree to be bound by the fair bonus policy where this policy is in place to ensure all members have a fair share of the available bonus pool. SERDANG E VAPE may change this policy from time to time without further notice to its members.
I understand that federal or state agency does not approve or endorse marketing programs. Therefore, I agree that I will not represent that the Company, its products, or program have been approved or endorsed by any government agency.
I understand that the acceptance of this Application does not constitute the sale of a franchise or a distribution, and that there are no exclusive territories granted to anyone, and that no franchise fees have been paid, nor am I acquiring any interest in a security by the acceptance of this Agreement.
I understand that because of the personal nature of this Agreement, it may not be transferred or otherwise assigned without the prior written consent of the Company.
I understand and agree that this Application and Agreement, including the Company’s Policies and Procedures, including the Company’s incorporated herein by reference, constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto. I have read this Agreement and I acknowledge receiving a copy of this Agreement and I acknowledge receiving a copy of this document and agree to abide by and be bound by the terms contained therein.